5 days of Magical Wonder, Skill Development and Survival Training for Children Ages 7-11.
April 2 - 6 - 2012 - 8:45am t0 3:30pm - $175
Goals of Walkabout
Empower children to see a magical worldCreate a safe space for children to explore the woods
Connect children to their parents
Return children home covered in dirt
Cure Nature Deficit Disorder
Nature Awareness Skills
Tracking – animal and manBuilding shelter in various habitat
Bird identification
Animal tracks
Edible plant identifications
Blindfold awareness
Moving silently – the art of silence
Finding water and food in a landscape
Living in harmony with the natural world
Nature journaling
A love of storytelling
Ability to control pulse
Ability to control temperature
Understanding the mechanism of pain control
Introduction to Native American philosophy
Ability to walk blindfolded through the woods